129: The Poetic Edda: "Odin's Pickled Head"
128: Antonio Gramsci
127: Plato X - "Er Goes to Hell"
126: Patronage
125: Plato IX: Tyrone
124: Government Shmovernment
123: Purgatorio: not just what a happy, Italian cat says
122: Plato VIII: Aaron, Timmy, Ollie, Dmitri, and Tyrone
121: The Ballad of The White Horse, or "Black Beauty II, The Prequel"
120: Climbing Parnassus Two: Electric Boogaloo
119: Plato VII: Math till you're thirty.
118: What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
117: Potty. I mean pottery. Wait . . . poetry. Nailed it.
116: Plato VI: Philosophers are Wasters and Charlatans
115:After Virtue
114: Climbing Parnassus
113: Knights Templar, Part III: Friday the 13th. For serious.